PlayWorks Group

7 Ways to Embed the Benefits of Play Into Your Meeting or Conference

How can my meeting participants experience the benefits of play?

Two weeks ago we wrote about how the benefits of play are numerous, specifically in the workplace or office.   In terms of health, productivity, creativity, and cooperation, play is hard to beat. Since meetings and conferences are an extension of the workplace environment, the dynamics hold true.

More specific please

So how do you as a conference planner or meeting owner harness these benefits of play for your participants? Sure, we want you to say team building which is a great, effective way to include play time and interactivity into your conference. But what about some other ways? From simple and cheap to more complex, we’ve got loads of suggestions.

Here’s seven for you to noodle on:

  1. You’ve all seen the crayons or markers, small toys and pipe cleaners in the center of the meeting tables. Easy enough and commonplace enough to forget how simple and effective it really is.
  2. Use interactive ice breakers and interject them throughout your meeting. Here’s a list we’ve pulled together
  3. Gamify the content of your meeting, so the learning isn’t assumed. It’s fun AND it’s measured.
  4. Pump up the music and toss in some beach balls at the front end of sessions. They do it at the professional sports games, why can’t you?
  5. Use role play activities to rehearse new behaviors and imprint information on the brain. Great for, conflict resolution, new sales techniques or customer service solutions.
  6. Set up sports clinics in the morning instead of yoga, to get the adrenaline pumping with some soccer drills and games.
  7. Set up easels with crayons or water colors in the hallways to gather feedback or perhaps, a few sketches from those walking by.

Eight is Enough

  • 8.BONUS! Costumes. Put costumes out and see what happens. Selfies, skits, songs. PLAY!

Share and Share Alike:

What ideas have you used in your own meetings? We’d love for you to share your thoughts and suggestions!

If you need assistance integrating play and interactivity in your meetings or want to include a team building event, we’ love to help out. Call 855 TEAM BLD today!