PlayWorks Group

4 Benefits of Using Technology at Your Next Team Building Event

Does your team think your team building activities are boring?

Thanks to technology, you can make that thought a thing of the past. All of the tech available at our fingertips has created an innovative way to play, communicate, and bond with our colleagues.

Tools such as tablets and smartphones and countless apps provide endless options for fun activities that will engage the whole team while still ticking off classic team building goals such as cooperation, problem solving and compromise.

Here are four benefits of incorporating technology into your next team building event.

  1. Interpersonal Interaction

The point of team building is to engage employees and get them to connect outside of the typical office dynamics.

Especially when employees don’t know each other well, it’s important to create conversation bridges. Give them a chance to interact using technology that is familiar and comfortable. Alternatively, create something that is new to everyone. Either way, you’ve created a level playing field.

Additionally, using technology, you can ensure that interaction is not an isolated event. Teams can use technology to send each other messages, or in a competitive environment, it can be tweaked to fuel competition and increase engagement. Build the interaction not just during the event, but afterward as well.

  1. The F Word

FUN! One of the things we promote through our team building activities is the importance of play. Instead of your traditional SnoozeVille trust falls, technology engages participants on a whole different level.

From using smartphones to share pictures and video, to reinventing classics like the scavenger hunt, you can up the fun level. By adding innovative twists into your team building events, everyone can get in on the fun.

You do not need a technological genius either. Something simple and fun like a selfie challenge or using a QR code to uncover the next clue will work.

  1. 100% Customizable and Flexible

If you are wanting a team building event  unique to your company down to branding and culture – technology is one of the best ways to achieve this.  You can pick and choose which challenges you want, the sequence in which they must be completed and how it will all fit into your overall objectives for the event.

The technological aspect of team building events also adds more flexibility to traditional methods. Participants can receive feedback in real time where they can check their performance instantly – no matter where they are.

  1. A Healthy Dose of Competition

While some participants do not need any motivation to get into a competitive mindset – some do need a bit more of a push.

Technology is a great way to do this because the use of devices creates a dynamic that encourages participation. Whether teams are completing challenges, navigating themselves around town or hunting for clues to solve a puzzle, the use of technology adds another dimension of engagement.

With technology becoming so affordable and accessible, even traditional team building will almost all include technology. Instead of resisting this trend, embrace it! Create an event that will engage your team and allow your organization to reap the benefits.

To discuss how you can build your team, call 855-TEAM BLD or contact your representative today.