PlayWorks Group

Leadership Case Study: 5 Quick Take-Aways

PlayWorks Group had the incredible opportunity to spend three days in Orlando, Florida for a pilot program with future business leaders. The client brought this group of 50 new hires in from across the country to connect, learn and bond in advance of beginning a strenuous training and development program. Our team created and delivered several levels of interactive learning, increasing the levels of networking, learning, motivation and overall engagement.

We worked with the organization’s leadership and training teams to develop the content and of course, tailor it toward the objectives of the weekend. What we observed in both the participants and in the organization’s team itself provided a wonderful example of five key principles for creating an effective leadership development program. We’d like to share what we saw:

Key Principles of Leadership Development

  1. Invest in your people:

    Our client selected high performing individuals to participate in this program and now they are investing heavily in their future. The time, attention, effort and funds the company put toward this group were obvious at every turn. And this was just the kick-off. Notably, multiple top-level leaders were present and participating on site. The organization has a long-range leadership development plan for this group. They will be educating and training – investing in – this group of elite participants over the coming four years.

  1. Start early:

    The individuals participating in this program are not even technically employees yet. They are college aged students either finishing their degree this spring or having just recently graduated. Not only do they have potential, but they have demonstrated success in their performance. Because they are catching these individuals at the front of their career, the company can develop them into leaders. In this way the corporation has created employees with the specific skills they need within the organization.

  1. Provide Skills, Tools and Resources:

    The whole weekend initiated several years of equipping, but we got them started creating a system of understanding. Utilizing the DISC instrument coupled with problem solving simulations and discussions, we explored individual profiles. As a result, this group now shares a common language for communicating internally about their work. Thus, they now can adjust their delivery based on the specific audience. This skill will serve them throughout their careers and represents a toolbox they can take into future leadership development opportunities.

  1. Create Community:

    Great leaders have a great network. They use one another as resources, for encouragement, for accountability. The whole weekend had community building opportunities baked in to the mix. We assisted in creating networking opportunities through community service, team building and ice breakers. By shifting groupings and team members frequently, all members had the opportunity to interact with one another. In addition, we also provided plenty of chances for participants to work within affinity groups to build future alliances and connections.

5. Reap the Rewards of Leadership Development:

In the end, investing for the sake of investing alone would be foolish. There must be a plan for how you will realize benefits from leadership development. The individual participants will walk away with incredible knowledge and experience. But what about the organization making the investment? This company implemented several strategies already, the most notable being to capitalize on the pilot participants’ enthusiasm. For example, they are getting video testimonials, using participants to recruit for future programs, and securing multi-year employment contracts. The company has committed advocates, marketing collateral and a well trained work force into the future.

After being a part of such a unique leadership development pilot program, we’re eager to follow this group along into the future and see where they land. We’ll let you know if we have any updates!

What key principles of leadership did we leave out? Comment below:

To discuss how you can develop your leaders and build your team, call 855-TEAM BLD or contact your representative today.