PlayWorks Group

Napa, California Teambuilding

I bet you didn’t even know we do programs in California.  Yep, we do! All over the place in California, Texas, New York, DC, Florida, Illinois, Nevada, you name it. We’ve got staff on the ground all over the US, Caribbean and Mexico.  Just let us know where you want to connect!

Our team building program I mentioned in last week’s post was at the Westin, Verasa in Napa.  We did our Tee Time for Charity which is where teams build individual putt-putt holes out of canned goods and other grocery items and then get to play the course.  That plus some other fun make it a perfect networking and give back team building event.  Here’s what our client Kim, from Recommind had to say, along with some pictures from the evening.

“I wanted to let you know that Steve raved about the facilitation and said he felt that was so key to getting the group engaged. I cannot begin to tell you how important your event was to making our sales meeting a success. Steve said over and over again that people came up and told him it was the best teambuilding event they had ever participated in.  You guys rocked! Thank you so much for helping me look great!”