PlayWorks Group

3 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Team

You probably made a few for yourself, but do you have New Year’s Resolutions for your team? We tend to use the turning of the calendar to pick a few areas in our life we want to improve. The New Year is a great opportunity to make changes and plan for growth. You may want to work out more, shed a few LBs or maybe gain a new certification to further your career. Whatever your resolutions may or may not be, we wish you great success!

But have you thought about making a few New Year’s Resolutions for your team?  Either for the team you’re on or for the team you lead, use this time to set a few realistic and achievable goals to move your team’s future forward. Sit down with key members and discuss what changes you can make on your team that would improve performance and effectiveness. Agree on your team’s New Year’s Resolutions and watch 2017 get off to a great start!

So what might be a few great resolutions to help your team work smarter this year and beyond?

  1. Resolve to have better team meetings

Most employees think of team meetings as a waste of time. It’s a ineffective rehashing of project status timelines with few real decisions made. What can you do to be more productive with your time? Might seem silly to say, but only schedule meetings when you actually need them. Know why you’re having one. Depending on the team, many may be working closely together and be fully aware of what needs to be done. A quick email may be all that’s needed to confirm everyone is on the same page. Or try a standing meeting which can shorten the time spent by 25-35%.

  1. Resolve to communicate

Team members that know who is doing what feel more empowered and are generally more effective. Clear expectations of roles and responsibilities is key. Use your own internal project management software or a tool like Slack or Asana to keep everyone updated on the work flow. We here at PlayWorks Group use a tool called Teamwork which has been invaluable in keeping our back of house and leadership teams aware of different projects and tasks.

  1. Resolve to know your KPIs and Whys

Is everyone aware of an on board with the objectives of the group? Sometimes the goals of the team are either too generic or, even if they are specific, have no why behind it. Double revenue in 2017 sounds great and seems impressive, but how does that relate at the team level? What portion is our team responsible for? How will we be rewarded? How do we really know we’re getting there along the way.

Just like we’ve discussed before, creating some sign posts along the way will help us know we’re making progress. Knowing why I do what I do helps keep motivated and inspired to perform. Does selling more services mean more lives are being impacted somehow? Knowing our key performance indicators will assist us in setting short term project goals as we head toward our larger goals. And knowing why what I do makes a difference will make those goals all the more worthwhile achieving.


To chat with us about how you can build your team, call 855-TEAM BLD or contact your representative today.