PlayWorks Group

Outdoor team building options

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The Great Outdoor Team Building

There’s a lot of research out there about how kids today are experiencing nature deprivation, also called nature-deficit disorder. Richard Louv actually coined the term way back in 2005. While kids are certainly at risk, what about those of us chained to our computers in our little cubicle rat mazes?

Get your team outside to experience a bit of the great outdoors by heading to the local park for a scavenger hunt or corporate olympics.

We’ve got lots of options whether it includes a team building body of water, a field or maybe a bit of woods. Build a boat and race across the lake, pool or out to the buoy in the ocean waves.

While team building on the beach is fun, it may not be feasible geographically or financially. Scavenger Hunts, Adventure Programs, Field Days or even a charitable playground overhaul, you have plenty of options to consider. Remember your participants need a bit of nature too, just like kids. It allows them to connect in a new environment but also connect to a familiar, but unused part of themselves that needs the natural setting to be released. We even have events to help participants bring the outdoors in.

Count on us to provide plenty of choices for outdoor team building options. Counteract that nature deprivation and break outside of the cubicle with your team today!