PlayWorks Group

Sales vs Operations – The Ultimate Team Struggle

How to bring these two teams together

Sales vs operations – It’s so cliche…

One pitches the dream and the other delivers the nightmare. How do you build communication, trust and most importantly, cooperation between these two groups? Still, sales vs operations – when you talk team building, this one is crucial.

You’ve got sales representatives from across the country incentivized to bring in the deals. Back at the home office, you’ve got a group driven by quality and customer satisfaction. In theory they are the ultimate relay team, passing the baton precisely and consistently. And yet, we all have experienced a different reality at some point as consumers, and potentially on one side or the other of enemy lines.

Do things differently

So, as you gather everyone together to plan for and prepare for the new year, what’s your plan? Sales vs operations doesn’t have to remain a permanent conflict. How can you provide opportunities in your Kick Off Meeting to creative positive change? These folks are high energy, driven, competitive, maybe jaded and definitely tired of being cooped up in the ballroom.

How can you harness the energy, break down barriers and create open dialogue?

A two-hour fun event may be a great place to start, but it’s only a beginning. Whether it’s job swapping for a day, role plays or day-in the life experiences, the ultimate focus needs to be on the end result – a great customer experience.

A mile in their shoes

Creating open lines of communication, honest feedback and a cooperative stance are critical. As you think about the design of your meeting, think about ways to foster conversations and problem solving. Think about the participants’ perspectives and point of view. How can sales vs operations become sales and operations in love?  The first step may be to mix the two groups to humanize the players in the conflict.

Consider what activities can simulate the current dynamics within your office or organization. You can utilize team building and problem solving exercises to both clear the air and to think through best practices moving forward. Choosing language that empowers both “sides” will also go a long way to positive motion vs. blame and finger pointing.

Should you need help in thinking through the elements and activities that will help you build your sales and operations groups into a cohesive team, PlayWorks Group would love to partner with you.