PlayWorks Group

Sports team building – Using athletics to bond

Sports Team Building

Rising in popularity, particularly within the millennial population, are sports team building events. With the Super Bowl just around the corner and the Sweet 16 not far behind, sports are a hot topic in the office. Now, we’re not talking about going to a ball game together. That’s an outing, not a team building event. But we’re not getting too serious either. No, we’re talking about using athletics as a format or context for simulating team dynamics.

With wellness, health and fitness as a leading trend in our culture, sports present a natural opportunity for team building. Emphasizing communication, cooperation, leadership and problem solving, many sports fit the bill. Whether you want to keep it more playful with an intent for networking or more strategic with a learning objective, a variety of sports team building events can meet your needs.


You don’t have to don your pads and helmet. Whether it’s learning about on the field plays or watching clips of some great football films, you can discuss and learn about what it takes to work together as a team. Or perhaps you do want to break a sweat, how about a game of touch football or fun and wacky football simulations. Leadership, team dynamics, communication, and conflict – they’re all at play!

Huddle Up!


Similar to football, soccer is a great team sport that demands communication and coordinated effort. By offering a clinic or a scheduled team game, you can create a great way to explore team elements. Are the players coachable? Is there a star player who takes over and won’t pass? Or how about a player who isn’t hustling as hard as the rest of the team?


Have you watched great teams and how they rotate in and out of positions and roles? A team tournament may be just what you need to develop accountability, explore shared responsibility and clear communications.

There are so many great team sports out there: softball, basketball, lacrosse, hockey and more. If sports is the language of your team and a good fit with your culture, take advantage and use it to build your team!

To discuss how you can build your team, call 855-TEAM BLD or contact your representative today.