PlayWorks Group

Team building event photography: extend the impact and maximize the value of your program

extend the impact and maximize the value of your program

Are you getting the full value from your team building event?

When you make the decision to invest in a team building event, you certainly will want to maximize the value you and the team get out of it. You work hard to ensure learning, networking and motivation are key drivers tied back to your meeting objectives. One often overlooked component is photography. It may seem irrelevant but having photos captured at your program can go a long way to increasing your overall ROI from the event. Not sure what we mean?

Take a look at these fantastic photos taken by our friends from PWP Studios at one of our programs a few months ago.


What do you see?

People are engaging, interacting, smiling, laughing, and having fun connecting with one another. That’s all well and good if you are there, right? How could you build and captialize on the momentum?

Not only do people love to see their own smiling face (everyone’s favorite image), they will want to share the memory with others in the office. As they reminisce about the experience they are tapping into the emotional memories of the experience. This will trigger the actual learning content from the meeting that took place before or after the event.

Worth a thousand words

Not only will you have quality photos you and others will be proud to share, using a professional photographer will also go a long way to demonstrating to your participants that the event and their participation is significant.

Using photos, remind participants of the learning from the meeting. Motivate them to continue connecting as team. Reinforce the new network of connections they built at the program. Let us know how it goes!

So what are your ideas for ways to use team building event photos to extend and increase the benefits of your investment?